Ah summer. All the fun things we can do. I needed a place to put my herbs and I wanted desperately to have a fun place for my niece and nephew to play when they come over. For years we have talked about planting a fairy garden so we this year we just jumped in. We planted sweet marjoram, mint, lemon verbena (or lemon "berbena" as Chloe calls it), dill, pineapple sage, and some little white flowers. Chloe and Liam loved the fact that they got to actually eat a leaf from the herbs as we planted them. We have many more ideas for our little fairy garden, but here is what we have now. The garden is complete with a fairy door, a little fairy pagoda, table and chairs, a fire pit, and cradle. The door came from: www.magicalomaha.com, the sweet little acorn family can be found at www.unwaveringfaith.etsy.com, the table and chairs are from www.woodwerx.etsy.com, and the little wooden log box came from www.somelikevintage.etsy.com. It has been a couple weeks since we planted our little garden and the plants are starting to spread out nicely. Chloe and Liam love to play in the garden when they visit...putting the acorn family around the make-believe fire for ghost stories. Happy Summer!!